Spelling Suggestions

Having a spell checker in Outlook is pretty useful, but sometimes the suggestions it gives are hilarious. Is there a name for these things? I’ve got to start keeping a list.
Today I sent an e-mail with the word “DevStudio” (referring to Microsoft Visual Studio) and got this suggestion: Devastation!

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Crypto-Gram Newsletter

The latest issue of Crypto-Gram just came out today. If you're interested at all in computer security, this is a great resource that comes out once a month. His archives are also worth browsing through. Good site to learn from. Crypto-Gram is a free monthly e-mail newsletter on computer security and cryptography from Bruce Schneier (author of Secrets and Lies and Applied Cryptography, inventor of Blowfish and Twofish, CTO and founder of Counterpane Internet Security, Inc., general crypto pundit and occasional crypto curmudgeon).

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Posted in: Web

Quake II .NET

Vertigo Software — Quake II .NET is a version of the popular Quake II game, ported to native and managed C++ using Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003. Don't mind me, I'm just playing….er, studying .NET programming… [Via Chris Sells]

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Posted in: Fun

First Monday

The July issue of First Monday has appeared with a couple of interesting articles: The grey digital divide — Perception, exclusion and barriers of access to the Internet for older people (by Peter Millward) The impact of digital games in education (by Begoña Gros)

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Posted in: Web

Feedster Backlog Support

Feedster (a search engine for RSS feeds) recently added the ability to index your entire site. Normally, it will read your RSS feed to add entries to its index. But, if you've set up your RSS feed to only provide a recent number of entires (like 10), you might want to ask Feedster to get caught up with all of your posts. Here are the steps I followed to do this from MovableType: Log in to MT, navigate to Edit Templates page Edit your RSS template and copy the Template Body Create a new RSS template (with suitable name and…

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Posted in: Web