CityDesk Slideshows

Having previously shown how the S5 slideshow system can be integrated with MovableType, I thought CityDesk might also be a nice integration point. CityDesk makes it easy to edit web pages and has a pretty powerful template system that would allow creation of S5-formatted output files. Result: after an hour or two of fiddling, I created a sample CityDesk project file that, when published, creates an S5 slideshow of the content inside. CityDesk S5 Slideshows Update: Now linked from CityDeskNews! If anyone reading this finds it useful or wants any help, just let me know. S5 is a new standards-based…

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S5 and MovableType

(Updated: Corrected link to the sample presentation.) Anil Dash from Six Apart posted instructions for implementing Eric Meyer’s S5 slideshow system with MovableType templates. This is a great example of both the simplicity of the S5 system and the power of a template-driven website. In a couple of minutes, I implemented the technique on to see how well it works (see Slideshow for the result). The longer posts and images overflow the page, but it’s a quick example that shows what is possible.

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