Lost Explained!

From teevee.org comes this little gem, explaining the final episode of Lost in terms of the famous adventure game Zork: LOST> look crate Inside the wooden crate you see many sticks of dynamite, encrusted with nitroglycerin, packed in straw. Arzt says, “Do you know what happens to dynamite in tropical weather? It sweats nitroglycerin. Nitroglycerin is the most unstable chemical known to man.” Suddenly, Arzt explodes. (Via Don’t Back Down)

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Posted in: Fun

Bay Area Joints

The weekend the San Jose Mercury News ran an article titled Well-aged joints survive in midst of same old suburban sprawl (warning: annoying registration required). When I told a younger colleague that I wanted to write about famous joints in our area, he went through his mental checklist with a baffled look. Did I mean state prisons? Nah. Dope? No. Body parts? Heaven forbid. The notion of a well-aged watering hole and eatery eluded him. But that’s the first definition in my dictionary for the word “joint” — a place that might have looked in place in the 1940s, a…

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Posted in: Fun

It’s Great to be a Kid

Oh to be a kid again. With the school year nearing the end, our kids’ school has “spirit week” right now: Monday: Pajama Day Tuesday: Crazy Sock Day (see below) Wednesday: Wacky Wednesday Thursday: Decade Day (come dressed from your favorite decade) Friday: Sports Day Now if we could only get this going in the “crazy” working world for adults, we’d really have something.

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Spotted at Work

A couple weeks back, while parking in the special “Dodge Pickup and Expensive Italian Supercar” lot at work, I spotted this beauty. I’m not up on my Ferrari models, but I think this is a 360 Spider.

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Posted in: Fun