Taking a closer look at some traffic numbers today for this site, I noticed a revealing pattern for one of my popular posts regarding BlackBerry simulators: the traffic on Saturdays and Sundays is quite low. Does that mean it’s mostly enterprise or commercial software developers working on BlackBerry? No hackers working on the weekend?
Fiddler is an extremely useful tool for debugging any web traffic on Windows environments. While originally designed for use with Internet Explorer, it’s very easy to use Fiddler along with any web browser on a Windows system.
Christian Heilmann (Yahoo! Evangelist) has created GeoMaker – a great way to learn about Yahoo’s Geo technologies like Placemaker. Here I put GeoMaker to the test with the lyrics from “I’ve Been Everywhere” by Johnny Cash.
Still finding more reasons to play with and learn YQL, and following up from my experiment with random numbers, today I implemented YQL support for lipsum.com, a “Lorem Ipsum” text generator.
I recently discovered a very cool random number generator site appropriately called Random.org. After poking around a bit at the various generators available on the site, I created a custom data table to access these random number services via Yahoo’s YQL engine.