Capture Android Mobile Web Traffic With Fiddler

When doing web development on the desktop, you have the benefit of inspection and debugging tools available in modern browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Internet Explorer. Inspecting web traffic for page requests and API calls is relatively straightforward. Once you move over to mobile development, you miss a lot of those built-in tools. Luckily there are some good desktop network proxy tools which can make mobile traffic inspection possible again. In this post I’ll walk through setting up an Android 4.x device with Fiddler running on a Windows PC.

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Top 7 Technical Podcasts

Here’s a list of all the technical podcasts I’m currently listening to – my “top 7”. I have a longer commute now and whether in the car or the train, I’ve had lots of time to keep up. I’ve branched out and tried a LOT of different shows but these are the ones I’ve stuck with…

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Twitter Followers in CSV Format

Several months ago I shared my script for exporting Twitter friends into CSV format, suitable for importing into Excel or other spreadsheet programs. This week I made some slight improvements to my gist and discovered that someone else had forked it to create a version that exports your followers as well. The modified version for finding your followers is available on GitHub (jimbohne/5933586), and embedded below. Follow the installation steps if you want to try it yourself.

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