SDForum Search SIG

Last night I attended the inaugural “Search SIG” from SDForum, held conveniently at the Yahoo campus. The event was titled “The Audio Search : Selling Picks & Shovels at the Podcast Gold Rush” and included a good list of speakers:
* Doug Kaye, ITConversations (the Poderator)
* Ev Williams, Founder/CEO, Odeo
* Eric Rice, Founder,
* David Marks, Founder/CEO,
* Jeff Karnes, Director of Multimedia Search, Yahoo!

The event was well-attended; I counted at least 80 folks who stayed for the duration. The format was nice — first half was a roundtable of sorts with Doug leading the discussion and taking Q&A from the audience. The second half included demos from Odeo, and Loomia.

All three demos were pretty good — I need to dig a little deeper in these sites to understand them better. It’s interesting how all these new startups are web-based applications. Does anyone make client software anymore? (Rhetorical question.)

Ev showed the ability in Odeo to record, mix, and post audio all from the web browser. Very cool, but not quite open to the public yet. Niall Kennedy did grab a picture.

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