Summarizing YouTube Videos with LLMs

Over the holiday break I was thinking about taking transcriptions of YouTube videos and running them through an LLM for summaries. My inspiration was the dust up around Honey coupon code browser extension. Most of the news pointed to MegaLag’s video Exposing the Honey Influencer Scam. It’s a 23 minute video which isn’t too bad, but I wondered whether a summary would help here? Python Solution I built a simple pipeline in Python that takes a list of YouTube channels and produces a summary email for each published video: YouTube channels have a standard RSS feed which makes this first…

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Forced to Retire Weather by Text Service

I finally had to turn off the public number for my free Weather by Text service which I’ve been running for a few years. I was fine with the minimal cost running this on Twilio, but over the last couple of months someone has been abusing the number presumably with some automated script. The challenge with Twilio SMS is there is no way to block any abusive incoming text messages. Even though the pricing is pretty cheap ($ 0.0075 per message), it adds up quickly because you’re charged for both the incoming and outgoing messages. In the end, it’s not…

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Top 40 Podcasts

Here in California we’ve entered our third month of sheltering in place and working from home. One positive is less time spent commuting, but that also means it’s been harder to keep up with my podcast subscriptions. Combine that with the fact that there are so many good podcasts out there and I’ve had to shorten my subscription list a little bit (and be pickier about which episodes to listen to).

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WordPress Release Candidate Builds in Docker

The first WordPress 5.4 release candidate was just published this week. The official WordPress Docker images are only published for release builds, so you can’t test any RC builds from there (for example on the Tags tab you won’t find 5.4-RC1 anywhere). However, it’s pretty straightforward to build the RC build yourself locally following these steps.

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Posted in: Web

How to Host a Coming Soon Landing Page on AWS S3

I recently launched a coming soon landing page for Engineering Tourist – a side project I’ve had in mind for a while. The goal is to highlight and discover engineering or technical tourist sites depending on your location. For example if you were in Tucson Arizona, you might discover the Pima Air & Space Museum which is really fantastic. Putting together this landing page was pretty simple (after all, it’s just a single static page), but involved learning and wiring up a bunch of services. Also, every service here is at the free or nearly-free level, so that keeps the…

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