A couple weeks ago I put together a way to create S5 slideshows from CityDesk. Shortly thereafter, Christophe Ducamp wrote to tell me he created a French translation of the same: CityDesk Slideshows in French. Very cool! Incidentally, my page was linked on both CityDesk News and Joel On Software which generated a sizable jump in traffic for a week or so which was nice. Joel even referred to me as a “CityDesk expert” which is very flattering (btw, I would classify myself as “experienced” with CityDesk, but probably not an expert…).
Having previously shown how the S5 slideshow system can be integrated with MovableType, I thought CityDesk might also be a nice integration point. CityDesk makes it easy to edit web pages and has a pretty powerful template system that would allow creation of S5-formatted output files. Result: after an hour or two of fiddling, I created a sample CityDesk project file that, when published, creates an S5 slideshow of the content inside. CityDesk S5 Slideshows Update: Now linked from CityDeskNews! If anyone reading this finds it useful or wants any help, just let me know. S5 is a new standards-based…
FogCreek Software just released CityDesk version 2.0. As I've mentioned here previously, I used the beta and first release of CityDesk for a couple of sites, including this one. I eventually moved to MovableType, but still use CityDesk for one site. It's a nice client-side solution that doesn't require any special server software (just an FTP publish location).
John Lam reports today that he found my CityDesk -> Movable Type conversion notes useful. Cool! I’m glad it was useful for someone else. Like John, I moved over from CityDesk to MovableType. I like using CityDesk (a beta for v2.0 was recently announced), but have been very happy with Movable Type. I haven’t taken much advantage of Comments or TrackBack, but the simple ability to manage my blog or create entries from anywhere was the key feature for me.
Having recently moved from CityDesk to Movable Type, I captured some notes on the technique I used to move my weblog entries over.