Recently in Video Category

The World is Just Awesome

The Discovery Channel has been running new commercials that preview upcoming new seasons for several of their shows. As in the past, the commercials are well-made and (for me at least) can get you really jazzed up for many of their shows. They’ve obviously got a great advertising team and I wish they’d post these commercials on their own site... (Read More)

Twitter in Plain English

If you haven't yet seen the Explanations in Plain English series from Common Craft, you really need to go check them out. The latest in the series came out this week and it's titled "Twitter in Plain English". Common Craft has created a simple but effective presentation method using paper cut-outs and a whiteboard to explain technical topics. (Read More)


This is the personal website of Brian Cantoni. All opinions on this site are my own. Reach me by email: brian at


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Tech Advent 2013



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