Mobile Website Project: New Domain

My 4-year old project to keep an updated list of useful mobile websites continues to draw a decent amount of traffic (somewhere between 1000 and 2000 page views per day). I’ve also managed to reach the top search result for “mobile websites” on both Google and (Yahoo and Ask are not keeping up…come on guys!)

This week I’m migrating the list from its current home on “” to a new domain “”. Tonight I have the new domain up and running and tomorrow I’ll start redirecting the old traffic.

Hopefully I’ll be able to follow the standard advice for such a move, including using “301” permanent redirects, so that search engines can find the page at its new home. I should be able to tell over the next couple of weeks if the move is a success.

In the meantime, check out the new page on your iPhone, Blackberry, Treo, or smartphone: