Podcast Update and Return of Feed Readers

What podcasts am I listening to these days? (Hypothetical question; no one actually ever asks me that…) Similar to what I’ve done in the past years, here’s a quick update.

First of all I’m still using the Downcast podcast player and really like it. There are a few new non-Apple podcast players getting a lot of buzz, but I haven’t had a reason to switch yet.

Here’s my current podcast subscription list. It’s still mostly technical podcasts but I’ve picked up a few maker and woodworking shows in there as well:

Also thanks to episode #240 of The Changelog, I’m now using a feed reader again – Feedbin. Currently I’m using it to follow all my podcasts so I can read all the show notes. (Downcast’s OPML export feature makes this really easy.) I’m still not sure whether I’ll get back into feed reading like the glory days (AmphetaDesk, Bloglines, Google Reader), but for now this is really handy.

Feedbin screenshot

Feedbin home page with all my podcast feeds (click for larger image)
Feedbin feed setting screenshot

Feedbin has a nice feature showing the publishing timeline for each podcast (click for larger image)