.NET Framework

Today Joel Spolsky wrote Please Sir May I Have a Linker? which starts as a rant on the lack of a linker in .NET but brings up some valid issues about the need for end-users to install the .NET framework. Over time, more and more users should have the framework, especially as it starts being bundled with Windows. But, Joel raises a good point about the frequency of framework updates which might require continuous updates by users. At Palm, we faced a similar problem with Palm Desktop 4.0 which required a minimal version of Internet Explorer (we were using the…

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Griffin Bonini for Judge

This is just a quick plug for my good friend Griffin Bonini who is running for Superior Court Judge in Santa Clara County. I don't think I've ever voted for a judge before, but I'll be sure to vote this time. Griffin Bonini for Judge

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Now playing wth Vegablog which is a blogging client for Palm devices. Testing by writing this post from my Tungsten C over 802.11 wireless. It’s missing a few features like category handling and editing of existing posts, but works well and seems like a good starting point. Link: “www.bitsplitter.net/vegablog/(www.bitsplitter.net/vegablog/)”:www.bitsplitter.net/vegablog/

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Secure Disk Erase

Recently I needed to clear off some old PC hard drives and searched for a useful utility. I found SDelete (for deleting individual files and clearing unused disk space) and Darik’s Boot and Nuke (for erasing entire drives).

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Automatic Feed Validation

The recent discussions about how strict aggregators should be when reading invalid or ill formed feeds (e.g. RSS or Atom) brought to mind an idea: an automatic service that checks your feed for validity and send e-mail whenever it finds a problem. The service would be an aide to web site authors, alerting them to any problems with their RSS/Atom feeds. Rather than authors manually checking their feeds with the feed validator, the service would do this for them automatically. Rough thoughts on some of the details: Web front-end for sign-up, including feed URL, e-mail address, and frequency of checking…

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