Service Ending

It looks like palmOne is finally pulling the plug on the wireless internet service for Palm VII, VIIx, and i705 models. In an online letter dated 2004-07-30, it was announced that is “ceasing operations” as of 2004-08-31. This is a sad but inevitable event in the “Palm economy”. I worked at Palm during this entire time and, in spite of the development problems, was really excited about the possibilities of handheld internet access. In fact, many of the “PDA-friendly” websites on my list were discovered through those early Palm Query Applications (PQAs). During the rapid growth at Palm,…

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Posted in: PDA


HBlogger — a new application for blogging from your Palm OS PDA — was recently released at version 2.0. I posted to my moblog using my Treo 600 and it seems to work fine, although the Movable Type support is not great. The software is advertised to work with Live Journal, Blogger, and Movable Type. But, the choices in the app itself are only Live Journal and Blogger. The notes say to use Blogger for MT because it uses the Blogger API. While true, this means that all the additional features of MT are missing (including simple things like titles).…

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Tapland RSS

The Tapwave Zodiac enthusiast site Tapland just added an RSS feed to their site. Some time ago I wrote a short article on Getting Started with RSS for which was an earlier site from Scott Raulinaitis who is also the founder of Tapland. If you're a Tapwave fan, be sure to check out Tapland, including their new RSS 2.0 feed and Mobile version.

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Posted in: PDA

Palm Webcam

From comes Palm Webcam 1.0 — a combination device/desktop application that turns camera-equipped Palm OS devices into a Windows webcam. I gave it a whirl with a Zire 72 and Treo 600 and it worked pretty well with Yahoo! Messenger. (Ahh, the best of both worlds…Palm and Yahoo!) The video quality in both cases was pretty good with a slight nod to the Zire 72 (which has a better camera than the Treo 600). The speed was much better on the Zire 72 as well: at 320×240 resolution, the app reported 4.9 vs. 1.6 fps on the Treo; for…

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Switched to Treo 600

I finally switched from my plain old cellphone to a Treo 600 and I'm really enjoying it. I'm not sure why I waited until two months after I actually stopped working at Palm, but I wasn't quite ready to commit. I'm so used to the high resolution color of my Tungsten T3 and the fast 802.11 wireless LAN on my Tungsten C, I was reluctant to go down to the lower res display of the Treo. But, being able to carry one device around has been worth it. I've even got the entire Yahoo! phone list loaded (well, at least…

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Posted in: PDA