Zune Installer Review

Installers are something that don’t get a lot of attention and that’s generally a good thing. No one ever talks about installers that “just work”. In this case, we have the Microsoft Zune software installation being reviewed by Engadget: We hoped installing the Zune software and getting our player running would be as seamless and painless as getting iTunes and an iPod running on your machine, since that is, after all, what it’s up against. … Unfortunately, the reality of our experience with the first version of the Zune software this afternoon is much like that of many version 1…

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Exposed Walls

Exposed Walls Originally uploaded by schnaars. A friend from work is remodeling his house in Willow Glen (a cool older neighborhood in San Jose, for those not from the Bay Area). He’s doing a great job documenting the process with lots of pictures on his “Scott’s House” blog.

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California Election Results for Mobiles

If you are out and about tonight and want to get the latest California election results on your mobile PDA or phone, bookmark this link: http://vote.ss.ca.gov/Returns/sff/Returns.htm After 8:00pm PDT, this site will have returns updated every 10 minutes for all the statewide elections in California today.

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Firefox 2.0 Extension Fixes

Update 2009-07-24: The original author of CopyURL+ has not updated it for several years; instead, see CopyURL+ by Marbux for a more up-to-date release. Looks like today is the official launch of the Firefox 2.0 web browser. Along with all the new features, bug fixes, and other nifty goodies, a new Firefox usually means several extensions that refuse to work. Usually (but not always) this is simply a matter of incrementing the highest supported version setting in the extension package itself. In my case, two extensions needed to be “fixed” in this flomaxbuyonline.com/ manner: Aardvark and CopyURL+. For both, I’ve…

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American Le Mans at Laguna Seca

This past Saturday I had the good fortune to attend the final American Le Mans Series race of the year down at Laguna Seca. This Le Mans format is really different with four distinct classes of race cars running all at the same time (two classes of Grand Touring cars and two of Prototype). The overall race winner was an Audi R10 TDI which was a turbo-diesel. (In addition to being screaming fast, this car was really quiet.) We were lucky to be guests of the Portal Player hospitality suite (associated with Flying Lizard Motorsports), so we had a great…

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