Task List for Accessibility

Now I’ve got a new challenge for my site: go through Mark Pilgrim’s Accessibility series. I’ve been following along over the last 30 days, so the challenge now is to see how much of this I can accomplish with CityDesk. For most of the tips, Mark gives instructions for Radio, Movable Type, Blogger, and other weblog tools. CityDesk probably isn’t the best tool for weblogs, but this should be an interesting exercise.

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Redesign: News v Articles

From my last redesign, the main page of the site was simply a list of each article. Tonight I made a better distinction between “news” items and “articles”. News items are based on the current date and can contain anything from a short concept, a link to something interesting, or an introduction to a longer article on this site. It’s kind of based on the weblog concept, although I doubt I will be writing often enough for it to be considered a true weblog. Articles are the longer stories and ideas. The Articles use keywords as categories such as “Palm”,…

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